AP Testing

Please arrive to your designated testing location at least 30 minutes early. We will start seating for the 8:00am exams at 7:30. We will attempt to start seating for noon exams between 11:30-11:45. If you arrive once instructions have begun, you will NOT be allowed to enter the testing room and there are NO makeup test. Arrive on time.

Any student with College Board approved accommodations will be notified in advance on where to go.



-Please know that College Board makes the schedule and rules, so we do not have discretion on extending time between exams.

-Food and water are prohibited in the exam room. If you have back-to-back tests, please have a sack lunch stored nearby in order to eat quickly before heading to the next exam

-Cell phones or electronic devices are NOT allowed in the exam room. Leave them at home or if you drive, in your car.

-You must bring a photo id, at least two #2 wooden pencils, and a blue/black ink pen.

- You may NOT bring highlighters or mechanical pencils.


Test Date





